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Questions and Answers

(189 solutions)

Hair color (Black, Brown, Blond, Red, Grey, Other)

NominalThis is correct. Hair color is a categorical variable with no natural order to the categories....

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Number of lectures a student missed

RatioThis is correct. For this quantitative variable, it is meaningful to talk about ratios (student X missed twice as many lectures as student Y). Also, as is the case with ratio variables, the value 0 indicates the absence of quantity – the student did not miss any lectures....

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Pet ownership (yes/no)

NominalThis is correct. Pet-ownership is a categorical variable with no natural order to the categories....

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Temperature (in degrees Co)

IntervalThis is correct. Like temperature in Fo, temperature in Co is also an interval variable. It makes sense to say “today is 5 degrees warmer than yesterday”, but it is meaningless to say “today is twice as warm as yesterday”. Also note that the value of temperature = 0 Co, does not mean “n...

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For each of the following 10 variables indicate whether it is nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio.

View on gay marriage (Strongly disagree, disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly agree)

OrdinalThis is correct. Indeed, this is a categorical variable with a natural order to the different categories – progressing from strong disagreement to strong agreement....

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Consider a social conservatism scale (SCS) that ranges from 0 to 50 (0 – extremely socially conservative to 50 -- extremely socially liberal). Which of the following is true regarding the quantitative variable SCS?

SCS is an interval variableThis is correct. SCS is an interval variable since the value SCS=0 does not mean “no social views”. In fact, SCS=0 means that the person has a very strong social views of extreme conservatism. Also, it doesn’t really make sense to talk about ratios. If for person X SCS=40 ...

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Consider the quantitative variable “Children” which represents the number of children in a family. Which of the following is correct regarding the variable “Children”?

Children is a ratio variable. This is correct. The variable Children is a ratio variable since Children = 0 does represent the absence of the quantity – the family has no children. Also it makes sense to talk about ratios; if family X has 4 children and family Y is 2 children, it is meaningful to sa...

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In surveys, individuals often asked to rate how they feel about an elected official on a numerical scale. Consider the quantitative variable “DJT” which represents the opinion of an individual on Donald J. Trump on a 0-100 scale, where 0 is extreme dislike up to 100 which is extreme like. Which of the following is correct regarding the variable DJT?

DJT is an interval variableThis is correct. DJT is an interval variable since the value DJT=0 does not mean “no opinion”. In fact, it means that the person has a very strong opinion of extreme dislike. ...

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Clinical depression is the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 19 million adults each year (Source: NIMH, 1999). Nearly 50% of individuals who experience a major episode will have a recurrence within 2 to 3 years. Researchers are interested in comparing therapeutic solutions that could delay or reduce the incidence of recurrence.

In a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, 109 clinically depressed patients were separated into three groups, and each group was given one of two active drugs (Imipramine or Lithium), or no drug at all. For each patient, the dataset contains the treatment used, the outcome of the treatment, and several other interesting characteristics.

Here is a summary of the variables in our dataset:

  • Hospt: The patient's hospital, represented by a code for each of the five hospitals (1, 2, 3, 5, or 6)
  • Treat: he treatment received by the patient (Lithium, Imipramine, or Placebo)
  • Outcome: Whether or not a recurrence occurred during the patient's treatment (Recurrence or No Recurrence)
  • Time: Either the time in days until the first recurrence, or if a recurrence did not occur, the length in days of the patient's participation in the study
  • AcuteT: The time in days that the patient was depressed prior to the study
  • Age: The age of the patient in years, when the patient entered the study
  • Gender: The patient's gender (1 = Female, 2 = Male)

Examine each of the variables in the dataset, as well as their descriptions above. Identify each variable as either Quantitative or Categorical:Hospt: Hint, displayed belowChoose...QuantitativeCategoricalCategoricalResponse for: Question 1, Inline answer 1 of 7Good job!Treat: Hint, displa...

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What is the y-intercept of the line 

Substitute 0 for x and get a sixth16...

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