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Questions and Answers

(189 solutions)

The main advantage of experiments over observational studies is that:

   a well-designed experiment can give good evidence that the treatment actually causes the response.Good job! An experiment is a study in which the treatments are assigned by the researchers. This allows the possibility of random assignment, which virtually eliminates ...

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In an experiment to see the effects of alcoholic beverages on behavior, a placebo is:

non-alcoholic beer that looks and tastes just like regular beer but contains no alcohol.A placebo is a non-active treatment used in a study for proper comparison. In this case, it ensures that any comparative effect in the alcohol group is really due to the active ingredient, rather than the "placeb...

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Q has been used to predict academic success. But what about other factors?

According to an article by Angela L. Duckworth and Martin E.P. Seligman in the journal Psychological Science, self-discipline is even a better predictor of academic success than IQ.

One way to measure self-discipline is the $1-now or $2-later test (which the researchers call the Delay Choice Task) in which we see if a subject would decline to accept a dollar bill now when told they could wait a week and get two dollars. Highly self-disciplined adolescents outperformed their more impulsive peers on every academic-performance variable, including report card grades.

Which of the following is correct?

This study is an observation study since the researchers did not assign the students to one of the self-discipline categories.Good job! A study is experimental if the researchers assigned the subjects to different values of the explanatory variable, and it's observational&nb...

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Q has been used to predict academic success. But what about other factors?

According to an article by Angela L. Duckworth and Martin E.P. Seligman in the journal Psychological Science, self-discipline is even a better predictor of academic success than IQ.

One way to measure self-discipline is the $1-now or $2-later test (which the researchers call the Delay Choice Task) in which we see if a subject would decline to accept a dollar bill now when told they could wait a week and get two dollars. Highly self-disciplined adolescents outperformed their more impulsive peers on every academic-performance variable, including report card grades.

Which of the following is correct?

This study is an observation study since the researchers did not assign the students to one of the self-discipline categories.Good job! A study is experimental if the researchers assigned the subjects to different values of the explanatory variable, and it's observational&nb...

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The most important reason for the use of random allocation of subjects to the different treatments is:

to ensure that the different treatment groups are as similar as possible in every way except for the treatment received....

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Which of the following is an example of stratified sampling?

 A health educator wanted to study the sleeping habits of the undergraduate students in her university. For her study, the researcher chose a simple random sample of size 150 from each of the classes (150 freshmen, 150 sophomores, 150 juniors, and 150 seniors), for a total of 600 sampled studen...

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Ross Times, the student newspaper of Ross College, printed a "What do you think?" column feature discussing the parking situation on campus. To gather student opinion on parking, an editor for the paper stood at the entrance to the student union and gathered responses from students as they left. In all, 126 responses were collected.

This is an example of:

   a convenience sample.This survey was a convenience sample, because the students were all selected from a certain location that would have happened to suit the needs of the researcher....

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The city council for a large city wanted to know what proportion of the residents thought fitness classes should be available to everyone. The research department offered to cooperate in conducting a survey, and a simple random sample of 500 voters was selected from all the registered voters in the city. A survey form was sent by mail to these 500 voters.

In this case, the sampling frame is:

 all the residents on the list of registered voters.The sampling frame is the list of potential individuals from which the sample gets selected. In this case, that list is restricted to residents who registered to vote. This is an example in which the sampling frame does not match the...

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The city council for a large city wanted to know what proportion of the residents thought fitness classes should be available to everyone. The research department offered to cooperate in conducting a survey, and a simple random sample of 500 voters was selected from all the registered voters in the city. A survey form was sent by mail to these 500 voters.

In this case, the population of interest is:

   all the residents of the city.Good job! The city council wanted to know what proportion of the city's residents supported the proposal. The city council put no restriction on the group of interest, so they want to gauge the opinion of all residents of the city....

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Which of the following is an example of stratified sampling?

 In order to assess student satisfaction with the food establishment on campus, 100 students from each of the schools on campus were randomly selected (100 business, 100 fine arts, 100 humanities, 100 sciences, and 100 technology) for a total of 500 sampled students....

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