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What percentage of the graduates will have a debt greater than $25,000?25%- Good job! Since $25,000 is the third quartile (Q3), one-quarter of the graduates will have a debt greater than this amount.50% of the debts owed are smaller than what amount?$20,600- Good job! 50% of the debts are ...
Read MoreThe boxplot below displays the student debts (in $) of a large number of students graduating from four-year colleges:
Note: The numbers on the x-axis correspond to the minimum, Q1, M, Q3, and the Maximum.
Within which interval would you expect to find the greatest number of student debts?
$17,000-$21,000Good job!. Note that 17,000 is below Q1, and 21,000 is the median M, so we expect more than 25% of the student debts to fall in this interval. None of the other intervals have more than 25% of the students' debts; one interval has exactly 25%, and the other two less than 25%....
Read MoreThe boxplot below displays the student debts (in $) of a large number of students graduating from four-year colleges:
Note: The numbers on the x-axis correspond to the minimum, Q1, M, Q3, and the Maximum.
Within which interval would you expect to find the greatest number of student debts?
All are equal.Good job! Indeed, 25% of the observations fall between the minimum and Q1 (first answer), 25% of the observations fall between Q1 and M (second answer), 25% of the observations fall between M and Q3 (third answer), and 25% of the observations between Q3 and the maximum (fourth answer)....
Read MoreA)14B) 75%c) 10-15...
Read MoreChoose the correct label for the element (in red) on the boxplot represented by the question mark:
Read MoreRange...
Read MoreChoose the correct label for the point on the boxplot represented by the question mark:
Read MoreChoose the correct label for the point on the boxplot represented by the question mark:
Read MoreChoose the correct label for the point on the boxplot represented by the question mark:
Read MoreChoose the correct label for the point on the boxplot represented by the question mark:
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