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(1101 solutions)

Benita has a food truck where she sells spicy fried gorditas. Benita has been making the gorditas for years, using her family’s recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation. Benita wants to protect her family recipe from being revealed to anyone else, so Benita considers the options available to her for the protection of her intellectual property. Because Benita’s main concern is protecting the recipe from being revealed to anyone else, Benita’s best approach is to treat the family fried gordita recipe as a:

trade secret....

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Arvitz purchases a copy of Wordsample 7.0 software, the newest version of the word processing program he normally uses. Arvitz wants to share a copy of the software with his friends Kim and Carrie, but the program was designed to only be copied once. Arvitz is a decent programmer, so after spending a little time with the program, Arvitz learns how to bypass the code that only allows the program to be copied once. Arvitz then makes copies of the program and gives these copies to Kim and Carrie. By copying the word processing program and giving the program to his friends, Arvitz has violated:

the Digital Millennium Copyright Act....

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Dakota’s series of romantic novels is very popular in the United States, so much so that her publisher, Antwone, wants to begin publishing the novels in other countries as well. Antwone approaches a publishing house in Australia, and the publishing house is open to discussing a deal. Dakota is concerned that her copyright only protects her in the United States, so Dakota asks Antwone to research that for her. When Antwone researches that issue for Dakota, he will discover that:

Dakota’s novels will be protected if both the United States and Australia are signatories to the Berne Convention....

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Monica has created her own cleaning solution. Monica's friends encourage her to sell the cleaning solution; they think it is so fantastic they believe Monica will make a lot of money on it. They encourage Monica to apply for a patent on the cleaning solution formula so that no one can copy it, and so Monica will be the only one who can sell it. Monica likes the idea of making a lot of money but knows she will have to reveal her formula to obtain a patent, otherwise she would have to keep it a trade secret. If Monica decides to apply for and receives a patent on the cleaning solution:

she has revealed the formula, but has the sole right to produce it and sell it for twenty years....

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You go out drinking and playing cards with your buddies. After you have consumed a huge amount of alcohol, you agree to sell your motorcycle to your buddy. The next morning, after you sober up, your buddy tells you what you did.
Do you think your buddy can legally hold you to the deal to sell him your motorcycle?

No, he can’t, if you were so intoxicated that you could not form the mental capacity to enter into a contract, and your buddy knew you were intoxicated....

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If we would like to carry out the test at a significance level (threshold) of 0.05, which of the following is critical value that we need to compare the test statistic to? Use the chi-square distribution linked hereopens a new window.

This is correct. Indeed, since there are four categories in this problem (the four capacity models 32GB, 64GB, 128GB and 256GB), we need to use row 4 - 1 = 3 in the table. As the image below shows, the critical value that corresponds to a significance level of 0.05 is 7.815....

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If the null hypothesis is correct, how many phones (out of 284 phones that were sold) would you expect to be sold from the 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 256GB models, respectively? In other words, what are the expected frequencies in this case?

71, 71, 71, 71This is correct. Indeed, if the null hypothesis is true (equal demand to all four models) then we would expect the 284 sold phones to be equally divided among the four models. In other words, we would expect that the total sales of each model will be 284/4=71....

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A company has released its new phone which is available in 4 capacity models: 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB. A store has sold 284 phones over the last week: 63 phones of the 32GB model, 73 phones of the 64GB model, 77 of the 128GB model, and 71 of the 256GB model. We will use the chi-square goodness-of-fit test to asses whether the four models’ total sales are significantly different from one another.

Question 5 of 7

Question 5

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Which of the following are the correct null and alternative hypotheses in this case?

H0: Sales are consistent with the claim of equal demand for the four modelsHa: Sales are not consistent with the claim of equal demand for the four models...

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 A 2012 study reported that the opinions of U.S. adults regarding the the issue of abortion has the following distribution:

Legal in all cases

Legal in most cases

Illegal in most cases

Illegal in all cases







700 randomly chosen U.S. adults were recently asked about their opinions regarding abortion and the data showed that:

  • 154 responded that abortion should be legal in call cases
  • 252 responded that abortion should be legal in most cases
  • 160 responded that abortion should be illegal in most cases
  • 98 responded that abortion should illegal in all cases
  • 36 were unsure.

We have evidence to conclude that the data do not fit the distribution reported by 2012 study.This is correct. Since the p-value is between 0.01 and 0.02, then p-value < 0.05 and therefore we can reject H0 and conclude that the data do not fit the distribution reported by the 2012 study....

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The chi-square goodness-of-fit test statistic in this case is X2=12.02.

Using the chi-square table (linked hereopens a new window), what can you say about the p-value of the test?

0.01 < p-value < 0.02This is correct. Since there are 5 categories in this case (Legal in all cases, Legal in most cases, Illegal in most cases, Illegal in all cases, Unsure), you need to use row 5-1=4 in the table. As the figure below shows, since the test statistic 12.02 falls between the tw...

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